
ActionTree is a Python (3.5+) library to execute (long) actions in parallel, respecting dependencies between those actions. You create a dependency graph of actions to be executed and then call the execute function on its root.

It’s licensed under the MIT license. It’s available on the Python package index. Its documentation and its source code are on GitHub.

Questions? Remarks? Bugs? Want to contribute? Open an issue! PyPI PyPI

Quick start

Install from PyPI:

$ pip install ActionTree

With dependencies to create Gantt charts and dependency graphs:

$ pip install 'ActionTree[dependency_graphs,gantt]'


>>> from ActionTree import execute
>>> from ActionTree.stock import CallSubprocess

Execute some action:

>>> link = CallSubprocess(["g++", "a.o", "b.o", "-o", "test"])
>>> link.add_dependency(CallSubprocess(["g++", "-c", "a.cpp", "-o", "a.o"]))
>>> link.add_dependency(CallSubprocess(["g++", "-c", "b.cpp", "-o", "b.o"]))
>>> report = execute(link)

And verify everything went well:

>>> report.is_success
>>> os.path.isfile("test")

Indexes and tables